Stink bugs: Everything you need to know
Everything you need to know about BMSB regulations and what manufacturers, exporters and importers need to do to make sure products are pest-free.
A threat to Oceanian biosecurity
The proliferation of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) is a growing international concern. Native to East Asia, the bug has now migrated to the US, Canada and Europe, where its ruin of crop harvests has had significant economic impact.
Measures are being taken to prevent the BMSB from entering Australia, New Zealand, Papeete and Nouméa, where its impact on the ecosystem would be catastrophic. All products travelling to these destinations during stink bug season must undergo either a heat treatment or a stringent fumigation process using Sulfuryl Fluoride. These measures eradicate any BMSBs hidden in products.
Time frame for mandatory BMSB treatment of your products
- For shipments to Australia: 1 September until 30 April departure date
- For shipments to New Zealand, Papeete and Nouméa: 1 September until 30 April arrival date
Regulation stipulates that the product owner must ensure products are treated. Ensuring compliance with biosecurity regulation is the responsibility of the importer, whilst presenting clean products and a treatment certificate at the port of load is the responsibility of the shipper or exporter.
Our approach
We are committed to ensuring compliance with all biosecurity regulations. That means that we only accept products certified as treated in line with the relevant regulations.
All treated goods must be accompanied with a valid treatment certificate issued by providers recognized by the Authorities and listed on the Official Treatment Provider Scheme. EUKOR will reject any goods not complaint with the DAWE/MPI regulations.
Here you can find information on accepted treatment options and the most up-to-date requirements:
Nouméa and Papeete
EUKOR requires shipments to Nouméa and Papeete to also be treated.
For shipments to Nouméa: from 1 September (date of departure) to 30 April for products from identified risk countries as per DAWE/MPI Regulations.
For shipments to Papeete: From 1 September to 30 April (date of arrival) for products from identified risk countries as per DAWE/MPI Regulations.
New and not field-tested products produced after 1 December will not require treatment if shippers provide a valid NUFT declaration.