COVID-19 Update #1

Keeping business running
Dear Customer,
The impact of COVID-19 is affecting all of us around the globe. We hope that you, your family, friends and colleagues are safe and well, and are taking the precautions necessary to keep it that way. Together with our customers, we are working hard to keep operations going the best possible way.
We recognize that temporary measures taken to deal with the affects, like plant closings and temporary loss of work, impacts people’s lives and livelihoods, and our thoughts are with everyone affected.
To ensure safety for our employees we are taking every precaution to ensure safe working environments and social distancing through adjusting the work environment and processes following governmental guidance and best practices.
The global picture
We see disruptions continuing with Governments starting to explore how to wind down lockdown periods, and it will take some time before we see vehicle producers re-opening their plants. It is challenging to predict volumes to be lifted going forward, and we see that all customers’ are dropping their forecasts heavily, which will impact our normal trading patterns.
This situation is hard for all of us, and while we are all working to adjust for the foreseen disruptions, we are in parallel planning for how to best serve you when we approach recovery phase and return to full operations.
Please continue to reach out to us with any questions. We are eager to support getting your supply chain back on track. Below you can find the latest information. Please note that things can change rapidly.
On the Ocean
Regarding European exports, based on the forecasts received from customers we have seen a substantial drop in volumes. Due to this extraordinary situation EUKOR moved into an emergency schedule mode which will put existing standard performance levels and metrics temporarily on hold. In April EUKOR reduced sailings to match volume output, unforunately resulting in less sailing frequency and longer lead times.
The outlook for May is still uncertain however preliminary forecasts still indicate lower than average volumes and a slow ramping up of OEM production. Therefore we anticipate a need to continue to keep a reduced sailing schedule scheme for the immediate short term future. Our tonnage however is well suited to ramp up sailing frequency in tandem with European OEM production levels.
We are monitoring this closely in order to support our customer base for a timely return to normal sailing schedules.We kindly ask you to help support us with continuous updates of your business plans and forecasts in a timely manner in order for us to best optimize our sailing schedules to cater for your cargo going forward.
In Ports & Terminals
At the present time, all our regular ports of call and terminals are currently open and operational.We are seeing supply chain disturbances in the form of space constraints in many ports around the world and even stricter routines means entering the port may take more time than usual. We are committed to minimizing extra delays by handling cargo as safely and efficiently as possible.
At our offices
Most of our offices around the world continue to be opened and operational while employees in Europe for now work to a significant extent from home in order to minimize health risk and ensure business continuity.
Your EUKOR contact will keep you updated on any specific changes that may concern you. It is equally important that we hear from you regarding changes in your business plans. This transparency will assist us in providing you with the best service possible.
You can always reach our customer care teams here: